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Common Loon on Devil's Lake.

Loons Return!

At least one loon has been seen this week on the south end of Devil's Lake. It wasn’t too many years ago that it would have been a shock to see a loon on the lake, but over the last…

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Great Blue Heron 2024

Welcome Home Heron!

The Great Blue Heron began returning to the South Shore rookeries on Wednesday. Interestingly, there are just a few pairs right now, all visible from the CCC parking lot. Normally the males would arrive a week or two earlier. This…

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2008 Flood Devil's Lake

Where Does The Water Go?

What are some of the common myths or misunderstandings you've heard about Devil's Lake State Park? There are quite a few! One that came up recently is the idea that Devil's Lake has some form of NATURAL underwater drainage. So,…

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deer tick - NPS photo


Ticks? - Yes. We pulled a tick off of our pup here in Baraboo yesterday! Ticks are typically most active in Wisconsin from May to November. However, adult deer ticks can remain active all year, emerging on warm winter days.…

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East Bluff Trailhead

More Snow? Here We Go Again.

Our part of Wisconsin is under a Winter Storm Watch from Friday morning through Saturday morning. This includes Devil's Lake State Park, Mirror Lake State Park, and most of our area. We're expecting 6 or more inches of fresh snow…

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Pines, Steinke Basin, Devil's Lake State Park

Rethinking Our Pines

We all know that planting trees benefits our environment...usually. Looking back, Wisconsin was the nation's top timber producer between 1890-1899. By the 1920s, logging had decimated Wisconsin’s seemingly endless forests. Reforestation efforts ramped up in the 1930s and 40s. In…

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Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, Devil's Lake State Park

Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, Star of the East Bluff

The big story at Devil's Lake State Park recently has been the sightings of a Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch on Devil's Lake State Park's East Bluff. The reason it's capturing the attention of Wisconsin's birders is because the little finch is native…

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Goldeneye duck on Devil's Lake

What Am I Seeing On The Lake?

While smaller lakes in the area are frozen, Devil's Lake is still open. Looking at weather forecasts, it probably will remain that way for some time. So, what are you seeing out there on the water? You are most apt…

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