McGilvra Woods State Natural Area is located about 15 minutes northwest of Devil’s Lake State Park, and just a few minutes down the road from Pewit’s Nest State Natural Area. This small 72-acre natural area has a small parking area, but no real trails. The SNA is known mainly for its spring wildflowers and uniquely open understory. Spring flowers include; hepatica, May Apple, wild geranium, woodland flox, spring-beauty, toothwort, Virginia waterleaf, bellwort, nodding trillium, and several orchids.
The forest is dominated by sugar maple and basswood trees. Many trees in McGilvra have uniquely well-defined “shoulders” at their bases which may suggest a shallow layer of topsoil. As does a small area of exposed sandstone bedrock found near the southeast corner of the site.

It’s clear by the short path leading from the parking area, that most people walk about 20 feet into the woods, have a peak and head out again. With that in mind, we still recommend visiting for the flowers in the spring, and for photographers looking for some great light in an open, forest landscape. McGilvra woods is a small, but uniquely beautiful forest.