Hemlock Draw State Natural Area is a hidden wonder surrounded by farmland. Just under 700 acres, this is one of the more “accessible” SNAs with a small parking area and a 2.2-mile loop trail. (Well, that’s if the road isn’t muddy or snow-covered and you don’t accidentally get off the trail…)
Why Go?
Hemlock Draw is exactly what you wander in nature for. The only sights are plants and rock, the only sounds are the birds and the wind. Rarely if ever, have I met another hiker in Hemlock Draw.

Hemlock Draw is known for having the largest contrast of birds and vegetation in the Baraboo Hills. You can see plant and bird species typically found in the northern areas of the state growing and living close to those typically found in southern Wisconsin. Personally, I’m drawn to the tall pillars of rock down in the valley. These standing stones are actually “sea stacks” that remain from when the Baraboo Hills were islands and Wisconsin was covered by a shallow sea.
We love snowshoeing in Hemlock Draw and checking out the awesome ice formations. That said, it’s a lot of effort. Check out this blog and video!
What You Should Know
Access – You can access Hemlock Draw from the north or the west. (See the map below). Generally, you want to enter from the top via Schara Road, then drive down the gravel, Buck Fever Road to the parking lot at the top of the “draw”. Buck Fever can get muddy and isn’t plowed in the winter. If you doubt your ability to get down this steep gravel road, then you should park on Schara and walk in from there. You can also access the preserve from the west using Reich drive, however, you have to park along the road and make 3 or 4 wide stream crossings without a bridge.
Comfort Level – In summer, you can expect mosquitos and ticks to be part of the experience. You should also realize that coming from the north, a steep hike into the gorge will require a steep hike back out. Good shoes, water, and snacks are important on this hike. Also, a certain level of fitness is required. Cellphones may not work. That said, of the many natural areas in Sauk County, Hemlock Draw is a good “first outing” to the more wild locations of the Baraboo Hills because you at least have a designated trail with some signage along the way.