Welcome to the “Discovery” section of DevilsLakeWisconsin.com, where you can learn about the fascinating natural and human history of Wisconsin’s Devil’s Lake State Park. Here, we’ve gathered information about the park’s geology, wildlife, plant life, and human history. From the park’s formation during the Ice Age to its current role as a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts, there’s much to discover about this unique and beautiful place. So, take some time to explore our resources and learn more about Devil’s Lake State Park. And if you want to delve even deeper, be sure to stop by the Nature Center during your visit!
Top 10 Questions
- Why is it called “Devil’s Lake”?
- How Long is Devil’s Lake?
- Are there rattlesnakes at the park?
- What is swimmer’s itch?
- Are there bears at Devil’s Lake?
- What IS dangerous in the park?
- What are all those black flies in the spring?
- When does the lake freeze?
- What are those big black birds?
- Are there ticks? Will I get lyme Disease?
More Top Questions
- Are there any waterfalls in the park?
- What kind of fish are in the lake?
- What kind of birds can I see in the park?
- What wild animals live in the park?
- I heard there are poisonous plants!?
- Extra! Can you ID Poison Ivy?
- What Are The Effigy Mounds
- Did Devil’s Lake used to be a quarry?
- What is the Ice Age Trail?
- What is the “Point of Rocks”?
Even More Questions
- Is there a drain in the lake?
- Did the glaciers make the lake?
- Why are the rocks pink?
- What is “The Fold?”
- What sounds like dinosaurs in the trees by group camp?
- What’s a “Pygmy Forest”? Where is it?
- Does Devil’s Lake have ghost & monster stories?
- Is Man-Made Climate Change Real?
More Resources
- Devil’s Lake Rocks – 7 Minute Virtual Geology Field Trip with Park Naturalist Sue Johansen-Mayoleth
Geology of Devil’s Lake Video Walk-Through – Steven Baumann - Devil’s Lake & Baraboo Hills Geology Reference – Links to maps, articles, books, etc.,
- Historical Sites Map – Locate historical sites & effigy mounds within the park.
- Historic 1920s/1930s Devil’s Lake & City of Baraboo Brochure. Photos & Text.
- Memorial Bench Map – An ongoing project to map memorial benches