The Weekend! June 28,29,30
We're heading into the weekend and it looks to be a hot one here in the Devil's Lake region! So let's get into it! Weather Forecast Now through the weekend, we're looking at highs in the 80's to about 90F.…
We're heading into the weekend and it looks to be a hot one here in the Devil's Lake region! So let's get into it! Weather Forecast Now through the weekend, we're looking at highs in the 80's to about 90F.…
Happy "Almost-The-Weekend" everyone! This weekend we've got bows, bees, kayaks and Baraboo Ropes Rescue! And of course, there's more... The Weather! Ugg. The weather. So, it's going to be sunny, cloudy, rainy, warm, stormy... That's been the drill most of…
Let's take a look at what's up this weekend at Devil's Lake State Park and beyond.. Oh, and don't forget, Sunday is Father's Day... (No slippers, please!) Weather We're looking at the local weather forecasts on Wednesday and the way…
It looks like we've got a great weekend on tap here in the Devil's Lake State Park region! The hard part is deciding what to do with it. Hiking? Biking? Kayaking? A winery? A concert? Well, let me offer some…
It's time to look at what's up this week and weekend here in the Devil's Lake State Park region. Well, when it comes to filling your nature prescription we've got some good stuff including the spectacular lupine bloom on the…
This weekend, Devil's Lake State Park is set to host the UW Rowing Championships. If you haven't heard by now, this is considered a very big deal for the park and will mean about 1000 additional cars in the lots. Keep…
You can tell summer is approaching as events begin to move outdoors! This weekend you can join the Madison Astronomy Society for the first "Night Sky" program of the year at Devil's Lake. It's also time for the annual Spring…
The Northern Lights & Lower Ice Age Campground open today! There are a few activities to talk about, weather info, trail info and a farmer's market in Baraboo... Let's get started! For the sake of mobile users, we are using…
Everyone in the Devil's Lake region is in a holding pattern right now as we come to terms with the steadily building confidence that we will have a pretty big snowfall on Saturday. It's hard to clean up the park…
Time again for your last minute weekend report, and it looks like we're in for a good one! We've put everything in drop-down "accordions" to make it a bit easier to sort through all the information. I hope this helps…