Use Caution on the Trails
It's warming up! Fantastic! Along with the warm-up, are trails are getting a bit wet and a bit mushy. Hiking in many areas this weekend will feel a lot like walking on a sandy beach. You'll burn some calories for…
It's warming up! Fantastic! Along with the warm-up, are trails are getting a bit wet and a bit mushy. Hiking in many areas this weekend will feel a lot like walking on a sandy beach. You'll burn some calories for…
The first signs of spring here in the Devil's Lake region of Wisconsin arrive with the birds. Around the park, we watch and listen for the redwing blackbirds who'll first arrive out on the park's Steinke Basin wetland and at…
Explore Devil’s Lake with the naturalist and uncover the hidden gems and overlooked forests and fields in the park. These guided hikes will happen each Saturday morning during the month of March. Each walk will last 2 to 2 ½…
What great weekend weather we had! I hope everyone got out to enjoy it! We also recognize that for many reasons some folks simply can't get out and hike around the bluffs as they'd wish. This is why I've begun…
Once the snow started, it seems to keep coming! We're expecting light snow to continue through Saturday. That said, there are free snowshoes to borrow at Devil's Lake Nature Center, a photo hike on Saturday and it's Winterfest time in…
We want to personally say "thank you", everyone, who volunteered to help clean up invasives at Parfrey's Glen State Natural Area on Black Friday. Click here for a good report by Caroline Peterson of NBC15 in Madison.
This Saturday, December 7th, join naturalist Sue Johansen for a moonlit hike from 6 pm to 7:30 pm at Devil's Lake State Park. It won't quite be a full moon, (The next full moon is December, 12th) but the weather…
Welcome to August! Oh, man, not already??? OK, well let's look at what's going on this weekend at Devil's Lake State Park and in the surrounding area... Just click your choice below to see the content. Weather Forecast You know…
It was something very special. About 250 people attended the July 26th "Native Beat Goes On" event on the shores of De Wakacak, Spirit Lake. (Or Devil's Lake will work too!) Below are some photos and a list of upcoming…
This weekend, May 18th and 19th, Devil's Lake State Park is going to be busy. Very busy, as the park will be hosting the 2019 Big Ten Rowing Championships. It's fair to say that many folks around here are really…