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The Shifting Landscape

Opinion - As the world changes, each new generation tends to accept their environment as normal. Science calls this "Shifting Baseline Syndrome". It's why you might not know what you've lost if you weren't around to see it go. Take…

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East Bluff Trail, Devil's Lake State Park

Nature’s Tell

Editorial: Land just is. The land and the critters that live upon it just “are”. The plants, trees, worms, bees, and bears all co-exist in some semblance of balance. Left alone, and barring any natural disaster, the natural world just…

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Hike For Peace, Devil's Lake

Friday Thought – Hiking For Peace

Sometimes, the path to inner peace is found by adding more miles to your hike. We've all heard that hiking is nature's therapy, and walking can be deeply meditative and beneficial for our well-being. It's all true, but the true…

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crowded swimming beach

Welcome Guests!

It's the time of year when all of us who are involved in tourism and recreation start really ramping up for the new season. For most of us, it's like getting ready to have the whole family visit for the…

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Wild Parsnip

Watch Where You Walk & Where You Sit!

Every year we talk about the dangers of various plants in the park such as poison ivy and wild parsnip. These are plants that for some people can cause anything from mild itching to intense pain and scarring. (I know,…

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‘Defenders of Devil’s Lake’?

According to an article in the Baraboo News Republic, "A Baraboo woman is leading an effort to oppose potential construction of a new lakefront building at Wisconsin’s most popular (Devil's Lake) state park." You can read the article here. I…

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Visitor Center

That New Educational Center (Continued…)

For folks following along with the progression of plans for a new "educational" center proposed for Devil's Lake State Park, I'd like to point you to a fresh article in the local newspaper that's worth a read... Feasibility of potential…

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Rock Stacking

Leave No Trace, Is Dead.

I photographed this amazing rock stacking artwork at Devil's Lake State Park just a few years ago. It is cool, isn't it!? Today, talking about rock stacking is a "triggering" event. I mean, everyone's triggered these days and that's part…

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Fence Climbers

That was something else…

Opinion - Wow, what a weekend! Traffic was stacked up all around Devil's Lake State Park on Saturday and to a lesser degree on Sunday, when the DNR limited auto access to manage the park's capacity. Here's what that looked…

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