You Are A Time Traveler…
From today, going back far into the haze of time, the Ho-Chunk people lived on this land. Just 200 years ago, around 1823, Devil’s Lake, or “Tee Wakącąk”, was still a sacred space known only to the Ho-Chunk people. We…
From today, going back far into the haze of time, the Ho-Chunk people lived on this land. Just 200 years ago, around 1823, Devil’s Lake, or “Tee Wakącąk”, was still a sacred space known only to the Ho-Chunk people. We…
With the "Effigy Mounds: Sacred Sites and Native Arts" program coming up tomorrow, Thursday, August 10, from 2 pm to 4 pm at Devil's Lake State Park, I thought I'd try to wrangle out a timeline that might help "time-confused"…
Throughout Devil’s Lake State Park, you can find long linear mounds of rock so old that large trees now grow right through and on top of the rocks. These stone rows offer us a snapshot of the hardships early farmer’s…
Happy New Year! Thank you for being here! We are so thankful for your engagement over the many years we've been at this! Your knowledge, thoughts, comments, ideas, corrections, concerns, and yes, respectful disagreements make this a pretty good job!…
It's August and we're heading into ragweed allergy season! Ragweed season usually peaks here in Wisconsin in the late summer and early fall, but ragweed can produce pollen until the first frost. Often folks will confuse ragweed with goldenrod. Both are found…
Did you know that every Thursday we share a historic Devil's Lake State Park postcard, photo, stereogram, or other bric-a-brac from our personal collection on our social media pages? If if you're interested in these little slices of Devil's Lake…
Yesterday was Indigenous Peoples' Day of course and many of us know of the importance of Devil's Lake to local indigenous culture and we may even know a bit about the effigy mounds within the park. What we often don't…
Happy December everyone! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving holiday and that you were able to get outdoors over the weekend. On Black Friday, we avoided the madness to #OptOutside and walk around Devil's Lake. In fact, I posted…
It was something very special. About 250 people attended the July 26th "Native Beat Goes On" event on the shores of De Wakacak, Spirit Lake. (Or Devil's Lake will work too!) Below are some photos and a list of upcoming…