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Historic City of Baraboo Brochure for Devil's Lake State Park.

Devil’s Lake’s Tourism Glory Days

Let's take a little trip through history today, with this little gem from our collection of historic Devil's Lake State Park memorabilia. This vintage tourism brochure produced by the city of Baraboo sometime between the late 1920s or early 1930s…

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The Shifting Landscape

Opinion - As the world changes, each new generation tends to accept their environment as normal. Science calls this "Shifting Baseline Syndrome". It's why you might not know what you've lost if you weren't around to see it go. Take…

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Native Arts and Culture of Teewakącąk

Gallery – Native Arts and Culture Performance

About 200 people attended the first of 2 performances of the Native Arts and Culture of Teewakącąk at Devil's Lake State Park last Friday. The next performance, along with the Native Art Market Place, will be held on August 18th.…

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2008 Flood Devil's Lake

Where Does The Water Go?

What are some of the common myths or misunderstandings you've heard about Devil's Lake State Park? There are quite a few! One that came up recently is the idea that Devil's Lake has some form of NATURAL underwater drainage. So,…

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Pines, Steinke Basin, Devil's Lake State Park

Rethinking Our Pines

We all know that planting trees benefits our environment...usually. Looking back, Wisconsin was the nation's top timber producer between 1890-1899. By the 1920s, logging had decimated Wisconsin’s seemingly endless forests. Reforestation efforts ramped up in the 1930s and 40s. In…

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South Bluff View of Devil's Lake State Park

You Are A Time Traveler…

From today, going back far into the haze of time, the Ho-Chunk people lived on this land. Just 200 years ago, around 1823, Devil’s Lake, or “Tee Wakącąk”, was still a sacred space known only to the Ho-Chunk people. We…

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What Mounds Remain - Lizzard Mound State Park

Effigy Mounds In Time

With the "Effigy Mounds: Sacred Sites and Native Arts" program coming up tomorrow, Thursday, August 10, from 2 pm to 4 pm at Devil's Lake State Park, I thought I'd try to wrangle out a timeline that might help "time-confused"…

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