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Wild Rose, East Bluff, Devil's Lake State Park

What’s Blooming?

If you plan a hike at Devil's Lake State Park, now is the perfect time to check out the wildflowers adorning the bluffs. Here are some of the beautiful blooms you might encounter: Wild Roses (Rosa): Fragrant, pink or white…

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Mill Bluff State Park

Islands In Time State Park

Mill Bluff State Park, just an hour north of Devil's Lake State Park, would probably have a lot more visitors if it had a catchier name. The park is known for its sandstone hills and mesas rising from an otherwise…

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Frog in hand - Devil's Lake Frog Safari

Celebrate Spring This Saturday, May 11th

Spring has arrived in Baraboo, Wisconsin, and there's no better way to celebrate than by attending the exciting events happening this Saturday, May 11th! Spend the day exploring the local community and the natural beauty of Devil's Lake State Park.…

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Spring Snow! Wish You Were Here!

Spring Has Sprung!

Devil's Lake State Park has been transformed into a winter wonderland, with 3-5 inches of fresh snow from this week's snowstorm. While it may seem unusual, Wisconsin is no stranger to significant April snowstorms. In fact, many of us remember…

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Annual Lake Fly Hatch in Full Swing!

Attention park visitors! The annual lake fly hatch is currently in full effect around Devil's Lake. These tiny insects started to appear over the last few days and have now reached an impressive "cloud" stage. If you're planning to visit…

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