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2008 Flood Devil's Lake

Where Does The Water Go?

What are some of the common myths or misunderstandings you've heard about Devil's Lake State Park? There are quite a few! One that came up recently is the idea that Devil's Lake has some form of NATURAL underwater drainage. So,…

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South Bluff View of Devil's Lake State Park

You Are A Time Traveler…

From today, going back far into the haze of time, the Ho-Chunk people lived on this land. Just 200 years ago, around 1823, Devil’s Lake, or “Tee Wakącąk”, was still a sacred space known only to the Ho-Chunk people. We…

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What Mounds Remain - Lizzard Mound State Park

Effigy Mounds In Time

With the "Effigy Mounds: Sacred Sites and Native Arts" program coming up tomorrow, Thursday, August 10, from 2 pm to 4 pm at Devil's Lake State Park, I thought I'd try to wrangle out a timeline that might help "time-confused"…

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Pollen Floating on Devil's Lake.

Pollen on the Water

Let's "clear up" a little concern before the weekend! If you have noticed yellow-green dust blanketing the surface of Devil's Lake recently, don't worry, it's not algae. It's just a sign that our local pine & willow trees are in…

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Prescribed Burn, Merrimac Preserve 2023

Prescribed Burn, Merrimac Preserve

Yesterday evening, a prescribed burn was conducted on the Merrimac Preserve which is located just east of Roznos Meadow on the southeast corner of Devil's Lake State Park. Smoke from the fire was visible from Devil's Lake and the city…

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