Devil’s Lake State Park Camping Rates
The Wisconsin State Park System now uses differential pricing based on any of the following: residency, electricity and amenities, location, campsite type, day of week, and season. Site rates are only available when you select the site through the reservation system. Devil’s Lake State Park is a “top tier” park with higher fees than other Wisconsin State Parks.
In 2024, the average rate at Devil’s Lake State Park is $37.00 per night. You may be charged more.
Reservation Fees
The Wisconsin Park System also charges reservation and cancellation/change fees for the convenience of reservations.
Reservation fee: $7.95
Cancellation/change fee: $5
Group Camping Rates
Nightly fees are determined by group size as follows:
- 1-20 people: $40
- 21-30 people: $60
- 31-40 people: $80
- 41-50 people: $100
- 51-60 people: $120
For groups of more than 70, add $20 for each increment of 10 people, to a maximum of $300 per group site.
Wisconsin nonprofit organizations whose primary purpose is improving the mental or physical health of people with disabilities may be eligible for a camping fee waiver.