Man Mound is a National Historic Landmark and is the only surviving earthen anthropomorphic mound in North America. The form of the figure emphasizes both the skill of its designers and creators and the importance of the entity depicted – most likely either a shaman or a Lower World human/spirit transformation – and thus represents a figure at the very heart of the effigy mound ceremonial complex. On November 2, 2016, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell designated the Man Mound as a National Historic Landmark.
In 1907 the Sauk County Historical Society in cooperation with the State Archeological Society and Wisconsin Federation of Women’ Clubs purchased the land now known as Man Mound County Park just northeast of Baraboo, Wisconsin.

This thousand-plus -year -old effigy mound is fairly well-defined and easier to make out than many effigy mounds. The legs of the mound were cut off years ago by the road that passes the park. In one of the images below, you can see the position of the legs has been painted onto the road.
Although at bit out-of-the-way, Man Mound County Park is certainly worth the effort for lovers of American history as well as anyone looking for a unique location for a family picnic as well.

More information is available from the Sauk County Historical Society as well.