Difficulty: Easy To Moderate
Why Hike It? Avoid the stairs and the crowds to get to the top of the East Bluff! The East Bluff Woods trail provides a generally easy, wide and gradual incline up the bluff. The trail follows a rocky stream with lots of opportunities to sit and enjoy the the sounds of nature and flowing water. Keep an eye out for remnants of past buildings hidden in the woods.
Description: The East Bluff Woods trail is entirely wooded and starts out easy and flat then gradually climbs until reaching a final steep gravel incline. At the top of the incline you are basically on top of the bluff and a short walk from various overlooks and Devil’s Doorway. (1.3 miles, approximate hiking time 1.25 hours)
Fall: This trail at peak fall colors, offers some of the best leaf color that the park has to offer!
Winter: Can be snow-covered and slippery, however the East Bluff Woods Trail is usually your best route to the top of the East Bluff during the winter months, avoiding stairs and cliffs. Popular Snowshoe Trail.