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Ice Covered West Bluff Staircase

We haven’t had much snow and with lots of hikers and a bit of sun, the trails are slick. While we normally cover this info in our trail reports, it’s worth emphasizing right now. Don’t hurt yourself out there. If you’re thinking about going up on the bluffs, think twice right now. If you must, well wear ice cleats. Even cheap ice cleats will make you happy!

Special caution should be used on all trails with staircases or steep slopes including the East & West Bluff Trails, Balanced Rock, CCC Trail & Potholes Trails. Even many flat trails are particularly icy right now.

Can I Snowshoe?

Right now a lot of folks want to get out and snowshoe. Certainly, they can help to deal with the icy trails, but it’s not much fun, and really hard on your knees to snowshoe on hard ground. What I would recommend is if you want to snowshoe, get off the trails and enjoy the open fields around Steinke Basin where the snowshoes can do what they were meant to do. In the summer we don’t encourage going off-trail, but in the winter snowshoeing season is a great time to go off-trail and explore a bit. Plus it’s easier on your body than clanking around on frozen trails!

More: Snowshoeing Devil’s Lake State Park

Whatever you do out there, just be safe!

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