Yesterday, March 18th, a prescribed burn was carried out on Devil's Lake State Park's Roznos…

Educators! We worked with Naturalist Sue Johansen-Mayoleth at Devil’s Lake State Park to put together a virtual geology hike for Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Badgerland just last week and it’s now available on the Girl Scouts Youtube channel.
You can find the 4k video at
This 7-minute video will give kids a quick overview of the geology of the park and how the Baraboo Hills were created millions and millions and millions and millions and… Well, you know… 😉

For nearly 2 decades the Skillet Creek blog has focused on 3 main goals; To inspire you to visit and explore the Devil’s Lake region, to help you get the most your visit by sharing tips, events, and other helpful information. Lastly to advocate for our environment & wildlife and talk about how we can keep our natural areas amazing now and into the future! That last goal can sometimes cause controversy, but it’s the only way we can accomplish the first two. – Derrick Mayoleth, Owner.