Yesterday, March 18th, a prescribed burn was carried out on Devil's Lake State Park's Roznos…

Well, this is going to be an interesting holiday weekend for sure. Let’s look ahead, shall we?
May 22nd Update
Friday is a great day to publish updates for Saturday wouldn’t you say? So here’s what the DNR has released today, May 22nd… starting tomorrow…
“Beginning Saturday, May 23, all Wisconsin state park system properties will return to regular operating hours of 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. seven days a week. Properties will no longer be closed Wednesdays.
In addition, a limited number of day-use area restrooms at park properties will reopen for public use beginning Wednesday, June 3. Visitors are reminded to plan ahead as well as bring hand sanitizer in the event it is not available at facilities.
All group, family and indoor group campsites will remain closed through June 7. All events and shelter reservations will also be canceled through June 7. Permit and reservation holders will be contacted and provided a full refund. The status of events, reservations and camping after June 7 is currently under review.
The following properties will remain closed for the health and safety of the public, staff, and property integrity:
- Dells of The Wisconsin River State Natural Area
- Gibraltar Rock State Natural Area
- Parfrey’s Glen State Natural area
- Pewits Nest State Natural area
For the complete press release, click here.
Visiting Devil’s Lake
All current rules related to Wisconsin State Parks and COVID19 are still in place. This means (As of this moment anyway!) that restrooms will remain closed over Memorial Weekend. Concessions will be closed. The park will only host 75% capacity and will stop admitting visitors as soon as the park is deemed “full” by the wardens. Lastly, you cannot buy a sticker at the park. You will have to have a sticker before you come. (This applies to Mirror Lake State Park as well!)
I hear a lot of hope that Wisconsin State Park campgrounds will open for Memorial weekend. I don’t hear any official chance that this will happen. Update: The DNR says all campgrounds are closed until at least June 7th.
Local private campgrounds, for the most part, are open with various safety measures put in place to manage COVID19. Some still have openings as well. This is a rare holiday for sure! Find Local Camping Here.
More Local Lodging
Yep, as with the campgrounds many local B&Bs, motels, etc. still have rooms too. You can browse nearby lodging here.
Restaurants & Retail
Most local restaurants and retail stores are open to some degree. Driftless Glen, Tumbled Rock, Fish Tales on the other side of the Merrimac Ferry and many other restaurants will be open and serving food. The Baraboo Area Chamber of Commerce is keeping up a list of local businesses that are open, their hours, and pandemic mitigations. You can find that info here.
About the Ferry
Check the special rules for the Merrimac Ferry if you plan on going. There are limited hours and pedestrians and bicyclists currently are prohibited.
Trails & Nature
Parfrey’s Glen, Gibraltar Rock, Pewit’s Nest & The Dells of the Wisconsin River State Natural Areas remain closed. All other hiking & bike trails are all open near Devil’s Lake. Park trails are generally in good summer conditions. The Great Sauk Trail is open from Sauk City through the Sauk Prairie Recreation Area and the Wisconsin State 400 Bike Trail is open from Reedsburg to La Valle. Find more information about local trails & outdoor recreation opportunities right here.
And the water? It’s COLD. If you plan on boating, wear a life jacket.
Last Word
I think that covers the important bits as we head into this holiday weekend. Given the fairly nice weekend weather forecast, I expect our area to be very busy including at Devil’s Lake State Park. I would recommend that if you plan on coming to Devil’s Lake, you arrive before 10 am over the weekend to avoid any possible closures.
I know everyone is going a bit crazy recently about getting “back to normal” but as you’ve read, it’s not quite normal out there. This will lead to a lot of stress. Finding restrooms, dealing with strange business hours, wearing masks and all the rest on top of an always busy and crowded weekend. So adjust your perspective in advance, have patience, be kind to others, and show respect for nature and the park. Have fun and of course, stay safe!
Oh, yes, and be wary of social media information.. You can get the FACTS from the DNR right here. I’ve read some crazy stuff out there, and there’s no reason for YOU to get caught up in the BS.
If there are any MORE changes that we hear about, we’ll do our best to let you know as well.

For nearly 2 decades the Skillet Creek blog has focused on 3 main goals; To inspire you to visit and explore the Devil’s Lake region, to help you get the most your visit by sharing tips, events, and other helpful information. Lastly to advocate for our environment & wildlife and talk about how we can keep our natural areas amazing now and into the future! That last goal can sometimes cause controversy, but it’s the only way we can accomplish the first two. – Derrick Mayoleth, Owner.