Bundle up and join us for some winter magic! Two of our local state parks…
It’s been nearly 2 weeks since annual early spring hatch of lake flies (Non-Biting Midges) at Devil’s Lake State Park. Since then, clouds of bugs have been swarming around near the lakeshore, especially along south shore road! But don’t give up hope! Their days are numbered!
Keep in mind, lake flies don’t bite or sting, (They are also not to be confused with mayflies or mosquitos.) and they do have a role to play.
The clouds of lake flies provide a much-needed food source for the parks bird population right at the end of the migration season when they most need it. They also provide early season energy for fish as well. So, as much as we hate the pesky things, they are a necessary part of our environment.
Already the number of lake flies has gone down quite a bit, so just hang in there. They’ll soon be gone. Oh, and if you get a chance to watch the swallows out hunting them down in front of the North Shore Chateau, well, it’s pretty amazing!
For nearly 2 decades the Skillet Creek blog has focused on 3 main goals; To inspire you to visit and explore the Devil’s Lake region, to help you get the most your visit by sharing tips, events, and other helpful information. Lastly to advocate for our environment & wildlife and talk about how we can keep our natural areas amazing now and into the future! That last goal can sometimes cause controversy, but it’s the only way we can accomplish the first two. – Derrick Mayoleth, Owner.